Thursday, August 18, 2011

Got Art to Submit? A Freelance Artist Resource

I'm a frustrated struggling artist that doesn't want to give up on doing what I love, and not having a paying outlet compounds my anxiety. So, like in all things that are worth having, you just have to change your attitude and put in the work. Over the past month and a half, I compiled a lengthy list of places where to submit my work (mainly fantasy and sci-fi magazines, but also contests, art annuals and game companies) and serve as a reference for creating future opportunities for myself and my peers should they find this resource helpful. This experience has definitely chiseled my PR skills, and I'll let you be the judge of how well or how poorly I represent myself. By my 30th or so submission I got it down to a quick succinct blurb  going something like this:

Hello (name of publication or art director if posted, personalize the message if you can, to sound more human),

I noticed on your website (insert website) that you are currently accepting art/looking for your (insert publication entity) and am interested in being a contributor/[candidate for the position]. Here's the link to my current work [with my bio and resume]*. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Preston P. Jackson

For the ones that were open about it, I added footnotes to help jog my memory of what to expect, pay wise, submission fees(?), their response time/ time-line for submissions, and sometimes their preferred methods of receiving submissions. I'm not editing my notes for the sake of sharing the reality of a budding freelance artist trying to get noticed (plus I've already spent 2 hours editing this post). So I'm giving you the awareness of options to submit/not submit your art AND all ownership rights for the the price of a dinner out alone, not including tip. Where I am now (virtually unknown), I'll have to bite the bullet and take what I can get. Please feel free to contribute to further beef this up as a resource and reminder of your options! *july 15 *July 4, pays 20 pounds for covers pays $50 for reprint rights, only purchases pre-existing artwork. (quarterly magazine) *July 16 holding contests for one thing or another entry fee is at least $35 (requires physical submissions) $1200 for color covers $125 for b&w interiors. 4-6 best samples. (Australian publication, pays $100 in Aussie currency for color covers)  *july 15 $75 for covers (must be residing in Australia to submit) (art annuals accepting submissions for either d'artiste, expose, or exotique) buys artwork occasionally every year, submitted website for them to choose *July 16 *July 19 received reply, have been added to their database line art, cartoons, b&w *july 6 (quarterly?) *July 15 - October 15 2011 create optionally up to three pieces for the theme Invasion  (all art is freelance based) pays $100 for life but rights retained to artist, able to remind them after two months have past. Monthly magazine, high image standard for covers. *July 16 pays $50-200 in advance, 20% in royalties after publisher makes back production costs. *july 15 *8/14/2011 (mobile game company) pays $20, quarterly pub, buys first print rights then non-exclusive after 4 months. *July 15, 2011 *got reply for being on file on the 17th (just covers) *july 6 *8/16/11 not allowing submissions, might be a dead site (people and figures) $9 per entry Sept. 14 *8/16/11, expect a response after three months. Pays $200 for b&w, $400 for color, purchases exclusive rights for one year, nonexclusive in perpetuity for anthologies etc. in which royalties will be paid bi annually. Needs to be pg-13 rating images. accepts interior and cover art illustrations. Unsure of submission as of early August, wait ‘til October. *8/18/11 negotiable, but probably low pay. Purchase first serial rights and distribution returns to artist after publication. Offers indefinite online gallery exposure. Does not have a practical system for art submissions. only purchases pre-existing art for their 12 covers a year. *July 16 *8/16/11 2-8 pounds, variable, purchase 1st pub. Rights, all other rights reverted after 3 months. ([pays $200-650 depending on what your work is used for], competitive, prefers tangible mailing) expect a response within 90 days. *8/18/11 *8/18/11 pay is not listed but negotiable. (art annual, pay to submit, worth it) sign up to newsletter to submit to Spectrum 19 call for entries. (quarterly) doesn’t tell you squat, looks legit
though *july 16 (just for covers, must mail physical copy) (monthly) must be digital(?) *July 16 *July 18 got reply saying need higher quality, and not much to look at, contact in future after more work has been completed. *8/14/2011, ($100 CAD for covers) *8/14/2011 (not necessarily sci-fi or fantasy) can submit once a month. *as of 8/18/11 they are not currently accepting art submissions. (low paying, $2.50 entry fee?)